Meet the requirements of the Whistleblower Protection Act with the BKMS® System

In December 2022, the Bundestag (House of Representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany) officially passed the Whistleblower Protection Act (HinSchG). As soon as the Bundesrat also approves it, it could be enforced in Germany, mandating companies with 250 or more employees, public institutions, and municipalities with 10,000 or more residents to set up a reporting system.

Das BKMS® System helps you easily implement the law’s stringent requirements for a reporting channel.

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This is how the BKMS® System helps you implement the requirements

The Whistleblower Protection Act requires specific measures and sets certain requirements for a reporting channel:

The requirements include:

The BKMS® System offers:

An internal reporting channel must be established.

This can be implemented in the form of an electronic reporting system, employees from the compliance department, or an ombudsperson.

A digital reporting system that is highly customizable, making it particularly suitable for corporate structures or authorities.

Protection of thereporter’s identity must be ensured.

This serves as an essential precaution againstreprisals.

Complete technical and certified anonymity protection for the reporter. Any dialog with the case manager is also possible anonymously.

Secure data storage

The reporting channel must be secure and protected.

The highest certified encryption standard as well as hosting and server location in Germany. The technical configuration of the BKMS® System prevents access to sensitive reporting data by the provider or third parties.

Data protection

All personal data must be processed in accordance withthe GDPR.

Complete and certified conformity with the GDPR. Data protection serves as a maxim in the development of the BKMS® System.

Duty to inform about reporting process options

Employees must receive information about the reporting process. This information must be easily accessible and comprehensible. This applies equally to stakeholders, suppliers, business partners, and service providers.

A best practice policy template and communication material to help you implement disclosure obligations.

Disclosure of the reporting path to supervisory authorities

Companies must provide information about alternative reporting channels, such as the option to contact the competent authority.

All relevant information on supervisory authorities in the reporting channel to inform reporters about all possibilities.

We support you in implementing the Whistleblower Protection Act. Get your demo now and see why the BKMS® System is the best solution for you!